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Roxana Crisólogo Correa 

(Peru/Finland) is a poet, translator and cultural producer. She has a B.A. in Law.

Crisólogo’s last book, Dónde dejar tanto ruido published by the Peruvian press Álbum del Universo Bakterial in December, 2023 was considered by Peruvian main literary critics the best of the year.

Kauneus (la belleza) (2021), Crisólogo’s fifth poetry book, received enthusiastic reviews in Latin America and the United States. It was re-edited by Ediciones Nebliplateada, Buenos Aires 2023 and it will be re-edited by the Spanish press RIL editores in 2024. 

She also published Abajo sobre el cielo (1999), Animal del camino (2000), Ludy D (2006) and Trenes (2010) which was reissued by Ediciones Libros del Cardo, Chile in 2019. 

Roxana´s books have been translated to many languages. Un jour je m´en irai sans rien emporter (Un día me marcharé sin llevarme nada) is a sample of her poems translated into French published by Éditions KLAC Kaleidoscope Laboratoire Culturel, under the auspices of INSTITUT FRANÇAISVille de Bordeaux and Bordeaux Métropole.

A collection of her poems appeared in German under the title Eisbrecher (Hochroth Verlag, Berlín, 2017). Sotto sopra il cielo (Abajo sobre el cielo) is an antology of her poetry in Italian translation, released by Seri Editore in 2021. Roxana´s first book Abajo sobre el cielo was translated into Finnish as Alhaalla taivaan yllä (Kääntöpiiri, Helsinki, 2001).

As a translator from the Finnish language, Crisólogo has participated in the anthologies Prohibido caminar con niños (Sweden, POESIAconC 2010) and Los abejorros zumban en la ventana (Argentina, Erizo editora 2013).

One of Crisólogo’s main contributions to the literary scene in Finland is the foundation of Sivuvalo Platform ry in 2013. She currently has the position of Sivuvalo’s vice chair and Kone Foundation grant recipient to develop the literature and translation project New havens & Humanoids led by the translator, literary critic and poet José Luis Rico. Crisólogo has also served as project coordinator at Nordic Exchange in Literature, an organization dedicated to the translation, discussion, and research of multilingual literature in the Nordic countries. She has also been an active member of Kiila―Finland’s Leftist Writers and Artists Association―and  Somos La Colectiva, a group of women poets and artists based in Helsinki.

Roxana’s projects and literary work has received support form Finnish institutions such as Kone Foundation, Finland Literary Exchange (FILI), Art Center Finland (TAIKE), Kari Mattila Foundation and the Finnish Cultural Foundation.

She lives and works in Helsinki. During March 2024, Crisólogo attended the Villa Valmont Writer’s Residence Program at Bordeaux, France.